Dedicated to those who love to travel like us.
New ideas
There are many, many of us. More and more people are choosing bikes for their everyday trips. The advantages are evident from day one: cycling is practical, fast, ecological, saves us money and above all makes us feel good. In short, the bicycle is the perfect way to move in and out of the city. 
But let's face it, there are some "buts." It's not always so easy to manage on two wheels when you have to carry the weekly shopping, a new plant for your apartment, take a bag of trash to the bin or cope with the wrapper of a snack eaten on-the-go. That's why we propose two innovative and 100% green ideas that will make our trip even lighter. In every sense.

It comes from Denmark and is one of the most innovative accessories of recent months: Bikezac is the shopping bag for cyclists. Roomy and adaptable to any type of bicycle, it offers a completely new way of transporting products and objects. It is equipped with a support that makes it very quick to attach and detach to be used as a shopping bag. In a few words? Bikezac is simplicity, comfort and safety even for the heaviest loads: a precious accessory that saves our time and avoids using packaging that harms the environment.

Hide my waste
HideMyWaste was created by the Dutch brand CloseTheGap with the precise aim of eliminating waste from sports cyclists, such as empty packs of energy gels and bars. But how many times have we had something to throw away when riding our bikes? Thanks to its Press & Store mechanism, just a click is enough to make that paper disappear: a great little gesture for those who love the environment and see the city as their second home. CloseTheGap has an all-round sustainable attitude, which led them to design HideMyWaste with 100% recycled materials.

Simple ideas, super accessories to make your bike even greener. To discover all the other solutions designed by Askoll for our trips, click here.